October is Fair Trade Month

October is Fair Trade month. Fair Trade Campaigns and Fond du Lac County Audubon has invited Equal Exchange to start a conversation on sustainability, authentic fair trade and how our purchases impact small farmers around the globe. This is a virtual event on October 14 7pm CST. Registration is required for this free event.

5-stones is a partnering organization with this event. Please contact Debby Suchyta 734 771-1140 for additional details.

Emily Ambrose and Leif Rawson-Ahern of Equal Exchange will provide information on the Fair Trade movement: alternative trade organizations, worker-owned cooperatives, building small farmer supply chains, sustainability, and a farmer-partner group.

Find out how globally-grown chocolate and coffee make their way here and about Equal Exchange’s relationship with local organizations that support Fair Trade and a more just and sustainable Fond du Lac. For those who prefer to attend via Zoom, click here to register.


National Human Trafficking Awareness Month 2021


“U.S. Marshals find 39 missing children in Georgia, arrest ‘criminal associates’ on charges including sex trafficking”