You May Be Their Only Hope
Our Impact
Training Sessions and Video Testimonials
"5 Stones does an amazing job opening the eyes of our students to such a manipulating industry. They share three important views -the victim, trafficker, and friend as to what trafficking can look like and how coercion and exploitation is used."
-Kristin Walker
Vel Phillips Middle School Physical Education/Health TeacherK-12 Oshkosh Area School District Health Coordinator
“The 5 Stones Presentation was very well done. Our middle school students were engaged the entire time with relevant discussion afterwards. So often we think "not in my backyard" but after seeing the video and hearing about real cases in our small community, their eyes were opened. Parents and children are more aware now and as staff we find ourselves looking more intently for any warning signs with our students and in the community. Kris did a great job with balancing the shock factor with the reality of what is happening right under our noses. EVERYONE should see this film so we all work together to protect our youth. We plan to have them back each year. “
— Tracy Schmidt, Little Chute Intermediate/Middle School Counselor
“Since the first time I saw 5-Stones present at a Counselor training I knew that this was a very important message I wanted to bring back to the students in my school. In middle school, students are largely unaware that there are dangers that threaten their safety and well-being in their everyday lives. 5-Stones is doing an excellent job of presenting that information in an informative, attention-grabbing way providing students with tools for ensuring their own safety as well as the safety of their peers.”
- Tracee LemkeHildreth, Neenah Middle School
‘5-Stones came to our rural Wisconsin area to talk to the Community, 3 school districts and two Casino Hotel staff. They were knowledgeable, informative and sparked a drive in those who participated to advocate for our peers and adolescents of Wisconsin. Thank you for your expertise in this important information.”
— Jodie Harris, RN BSN CLC, Forest County Potawatomi Community Health
“These videos have helped me to understand sex trafficking through the different lenses of the victim, friend and perpetrator. The videos and discussion prompter’s serves as a stimulation to challenge our youth to think about their responses, options and next steps should they encounter a similar situation or know of someone in the situation. These videos and activities have the potential to change someone’s future.”
— MaiKou, School Administrator
“The series Innocence Sold is an excellent educational tool to promote awareness and discussion about sex trafficking. I believe most kids have no idea what sex trafficking is, and don’t know when they are being groomed into a sex trafficking situation. The Innocence Sold series provides kids with valuable information to understand the problem and to recognize the signs of sex trafficking.”
— Detective Scott Callaway, Grand Chute Police Department
“In viewing “Innocence Sold”, I as a mom and social worker, think that the film reaches both parents and teens at a level that helps us to understand the severity of the problem in our communities today. It is a must see for all parents and teens-”
— Diane, parent and social worker
“The importance of educating youth on this prominent topic is critical. “Innocence Sold” does just that.”
— Helen, Sexual Abuse Prevention Specialist
“Sadly, law enforcement across the Fox Cities has seen firsthand how the scenarios presented in “Innocence Sold” reflect the serious and hidden problem of sex trafficking in our communities. As such, the series represents a powerful tool in raising awareness of this issue and protecting our children.”
— Greg Peterson, Chief of Police Grand Chute Police Department
“I found this film to be impactful in the fact that it allowed me to see how people can fall into this type of life situation. It was a powerful film that helped me understand there are people out there to help no matter what situation I am in.”
— Nicole, Student – Senior High School
“These realistic depictions of multiple perspectives of people impacted/involved with sex trafficking give clear examples teens can identify in order to be empowered to take action and hopefully prevent or interrupt this from happening to their friends/peers. Awareness is a big step in the process of empowerment.”