News and Updates
On our “News” page we’ll add any relevant news, and updates from our organization as well as topical news and information relating to Human Trafficking and Prevention.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Month 2022
5-stones is committed to the prevention of and eradicating Sex Trafficking. We provide training and resources about the Sex Trafficking Industry and its dangerous impact.
Risks of Sex Trafficking For Milwaukee Youth
Wisconsin and Milwaukee have a tragic and ongoing struggle with combatting human sex trafficking. In fact, Milwaukee is viewed as a hub for the exploitation of our nation’s youth and adults. Read more about this from Milwaukee’s Shepard Express.
Wisconsin Public Radio Shares Wisconsin DOJ Efforts to Spot Sex Crimes
Last week, Wisconsin officials and Governor Ever’s administration announced they will be working specifically with convenience stores and motels to increase the understanding of human trafficking. Recent reports indicate that there is general confusion between prostitution or human trafficking. Officials have urged anyone with concerns to simply report it, as it can be very difficult for victims to come forward on their own.
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Appleton, WI -January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month January was first declared as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in 2010. Since then, January has been a time to acknowledge those experiencing enslavement and those who have escaped.
Human Trafficking Survivors Share Their Stories
Survivors of human trafficking talk about how people get trapped in this abusive trade. (FOX NEWS).
Milwaukee Common Council Set to Increase Penalties
Anyone caught trying to solicit prostitutes may soon face much steeper fines in Milwaukee. Penalties for so-called johns would increase to a range of $5,000 to $10,000 — from the current $500 to $5,000 range — under a measure advancing at City Hall.
Super Bowl 53 and Sex-Trafficking
With the Super Bowl just days away, federal law enforcement officials announced Wednesday they have arrested 33 people in metro Atlanta on sex-trafficking charges. Authorities said they had also rescued four victims as part of the operation.
Trafficked - CBS 48 Hours
INSIDE THE WORLD OF CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING AND THE HIGH-TECH APPROACH TO SAVING VICTIMS. 48 Hours" Live to Tell: A 15-year-old is held captive by a sex trafficker and Ashton Kutcher’s mission to stop children from being exploited.
EXPLOITED: A Ten Column Series In The USA TODAY
A new 10 part series in the USA Today starts with this column. It explores some of the factors that contribute to the exploitation of both children, and adult victims. Here are the title and a brief snippet.