Human and Sex Trafficking in MY Community
APPLETON - You may have heard some things about human or sex trafficking, but what do you really know? Are you aware of its prevalence in our community? If you are not or think it’s not really an issue here, we invite you to learn more and please remember this; EVEN ONE VICTIM, IS ONE TOO MANY!
It’s a crime that does not distinguish between age, race, religion, economic status, community, nation or family. The ages that are targeted continue to get younger and younger.
Appleton Post Crescent | JULY 15, 2016
A 14-year-old girl who was trafficked in Appleton told investigators she saw 18 men in one 24-hour period, a school resource officer said at an educational forum on trafficking in Appleton last fall.
The girl, a student at an Appleton high school, had met her pimp at a Grand Chute hotel party. He got her addicted to heroin to control her, and she ran to him again and again before she left for good.
Waterstreet said the youngest trafficking victim he's seen in Wisconsin was 12 years old. He's seen a 10-year-old being "groomed."
These crimes are becoming more frequent and more audacious. It is a tragedy that continues to plague and grow in communities throughout our country. Including in the Fox Valley region. Our mission at 5-stones is to raise awareness and help in educating our community about the magnitude of sex trafficking.
Recently one of the 5-stones team members was contacted by a family member who had some frightening concerns about her young niece and children. As details were revealed, it quickly became apparent that this was a situation involving human/sex trafficking occurring right here in our own community!
The awareness of sex trafficking signs, prior education, appropriate prevention, and actions resulted in an outcome where everyone is now safe. Even if there are community members that do not want to see or hear about it, human and sex trafficking is happening all around us in the Fox Valley.
We want our communities to be safe. We want our neighborhoods to be safe. We want our homes to be safe. So how do we fight against the giant of sex trafficking?
You can help us by getting involved in our community through awareness, education, prevention, networking, and collaboration to fight against sex trafficking. You may not be the person that physically “rescues” someone, (there is a task force to do that) but you can be the one to STOP it before it happens!
After becoming more aware of the magnitude of sex trafficking in the Fox Valley, are you able to turn a blind eye to what’s happening in your state... your city… your neighborhood… or maybe even in your own home? Here are a five ways of many to help.
Five Ways To Fight Against Human Sex Trafficking
1. You can “Get Help, Send a Tip or Request Services” by calling the National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s Hotline at 1-(888)-373-7888 (Confidential help 24/7)
2. Text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733) (Available 24/7)
3. Bring awareness by talking to at least one other person and educating them about the prevalence of sex trafficking
4. Volunteer with 5-stones or with another local organization that works to educate and prevent trafficking
5. Read and learn more online about the trafficking problems we face locally, nationally, and globally. Below are a few websites we recommend:
Blue Campaign
Wisconsin Anti Human Trafficking Task Force
Polaris Project