News and Updates
On our “News” page we’ll add any relevant news, and updates from our organization as well as topical news and information relating to Human Trafficking and Prevention.
Trafficked - CBS 48 Hours
INSIDE THE WORLD OF CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING AND THE HIGH-TECH APPROACH TO SAVING VICTIMS. 48 Hours" Live to Tell: A 15-year-old is held captive by a sex trafficker and Ashton Kutcher’s mission to stop children from being exploited.
Milwaukee Sex Trafficking of Youth Research Report Released
A Report by Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission, Rethink Resources, Medical College of Wisconsin Institute for Health & Equity, Milwaukee Sexual Assault Review, and Milwaukee Police Department – Sensitive Crimes Division (Medical College of Wisconsin, 1 March 2018).
EXPLOITED: A Ten Column Series In The USA TODAY
A new 10 part series in the USA Today starts with this column. It explores some of the factors that contribute to the exploitation of both children, and adult victims. Here are the title and a brief snippet.
Innocence Sold Film
APPLETON, WI - INNOCENCE SOLD features three short films: the story of Sabrina, a high-school student lured into sex trafficking; her trafficker, Matt; and her friend, Andrea. Filmed in the Fox Valley, WI area to educate young people about the dangers of sex trafficking.
Interstate 41 Billboard for Human Trafficking and Prevention Awareness Month
If you've recently driven on Interstate 41 near Wrightstown, you may have noticed our new billboard. Part of its purpose is to bring awareness to human trafficking in Wisconsin. Particularly to northeast Wisconsin. Additionally, January is Human Trafficking and Prevention Awareness Month in the United States.
A Flight Attendant and Human Trafficking
Here is an opinion article by Heather Poole that was originally featured on on January 12th, 2016. There is a wealth of information regarding warning signs of human trafficking.
Hospitality Industry Training Employees on Human Trafficking
Today's hospitality industry is working to train their front line employees to spot Human Trafficking. Brown County is assisting hotels to learn the signs of human trafficking and share this information with front desk staff and housekeeping. Below is a recent story that was featured on a Green Bay television station, WBAY.